Re: What is ExI up to?

Max More (
Sat, 18 Jul 1998 11:25:42 -0700

At 10:08 AM 7/17/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I am wondering what ExI is up to lately? The webzine hasnt been updated
>in 6 months and there isnt any word of another conference. Whats in the
>works for the next 6 months?

Just a couple of days ago, two new book reviews were added to the Discriminator section. I believe there are other pieces in the works. Sasha is the person to ask about what's coming and when.

The newsletter is overdue, for which my apologies. I've been preoccupied with earning a living. I'm working on it this weekend. The new issue will contain quite a bit of news.

I also haven't had time to work on the EXTRO 4 conference, though I do still intend to make it happen during 1999.


Max More, Ph.D. (soon also: <>)
Consulting services on the impact of advanced technologies President, Extropy Institute:,