Bryan Moss <> wrote:
> Imagine for a minute sitting in a symmetrical room
> looking at your copy from across a symmetrical
> table. You both experience the exactly same
> sensations, you both react to them in exactly the
> same way, and you both behave in exactly the same
> way. You try to start a conversation, this is no
> different from talking to yourself you know what
> you're going to say, you know the answer, and you
> "both" say it at the same time.
> - There is no objective difference.
> - There is no subjective difference.
> This only leaves room for a mystical difference
> and a semantic difference. I believe the problem
> is the latter, and that's the reason we should not
> make the distinction.
Wrong. Suppose my copy and I want to move the table to one side. If we both point to the same wall, one would be pointing left while one would be pointing right. Obviously we are not acting the same. If we both point right or we both point left, we will be pointing at different walls. Obviously we cannot agree on which wall to point towards. Since we are different people in different locations, it is impossible for us to both act and react identically. As in this situation, we must diverge.
-- Harvey Newstrom <> Author, Engineer, Entrepreneur, <> Consultant, Researcher, Scientist. <ldap://>