Horton TJ. Geissler CA.
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, King's College, University of London,
Kensington, UK.
Post-prandial thermogenesis with ephedrine, caffeine and
aspirin in lean, pre-disposed obese and obese women.
International Journal of Obesity & Related Metabolic Disorders. 20(2):91-7,
1996 Feb.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether or not aspirin further potentiates the
greater post-prandial thermogenesis induced by ephedrine
with caffeine. DESIGN: Determination of the acute metabolic rate response to
the following treatments: 1050 kJ liquid meal (M); meal plus
ephedrine (30 mg) and caffeine (100 mg) (MEC) or meal plus
ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin (300 mg) (MECA). SUBJECTS:
Lean, pre-disposed obese and obese women (n = 10 each group). MEASUREMENTS:
Pre- and post-treatment metabolic rate determinations via indirect
calorimetry. Post-treatment measurements made at 20 min intervals for a total
of 160 min. RESULTS: In all groups, metabolic rate increased significantly
more following the MEC or MECA, compared to the meal only (p < 0.05). The
obese group had a significantly greater absolute increase in metabolic rate
following the MECA and MEC compared to both the lean and pre-disposed obese
groups (p < 0.05). Metabolic rate remained elevated at the end of the 160 min
following all treatments. CONCLUSION: Aspirin does not further potentiate the
acute thermic effect of ephedrine and caffeine with a meal.
However, the full thermogenic response was not measured and longer duration
studies are necessary to confirm these results.