Re: suicide data (was: Re: Are guns extropian?)

Harvey Newstrom (
Fri, 10 Jul 1998 22:52:39 -0400

> At 05:41 AM 7/10/98 -0700, mark wrote:
> >P.S. And if Europe's so great, why is it that suicide rates are typically
> >at least twice as high as America?

Searching the web, I found:
<> Suicide per 100,000 ages 15-24, 1991-1993

Deaths by suicide and self-inflicted injury per 100,000 aged 15-24, 1991-1993

                Males   Females M/F ratio
 Greece          3.8     0.8     5
 Portugal        4.3     2.0     2
 Italy           5.7     1.6     4
 Spain           7.1     2.2     3
 Netherlands     9.1     3.8     2
 Sweden         10.0     6.7     1
 Japan          10.1     4.4     2
 Israel         11.7     2.5     5
 United Kingdom 12.2     2.3     5
 Germany        12.7     3.4     4
 Denmark        13.4     2.3     6
 France         14.0     4.3     3
 Bulgaria       15.4     5.6     3
 Czech Rep.     16.4     4.3     4
 Poland         16.6     2.5     7
 Ukraine        17.2     5.3     3
 Hungary        19.1     5.5     3
 Austria        21.1     6.5     3
 Ireland        21.5     2.0    11
 United States  21.9     3.8     6
 Belarus        24.2     5.2     5
 Canada         24.7     6.0     4
 Switzerland    25.0     4.8     5
 Australia      27.3     5.6     5
 Norway         28.2     5.2     5
 Estonia        29.7    10.6     3
 Finland        33.0     3.2    10
 Latvia         35.0     9.3     4
 Slovenia       37.0     8.4     4
 New Zealand    39.9     6.2     6
 Russian Fed.   41.7     7.9     5
 Lithuania      44.9     6.7     7

Harvey Newstrom                                   <>
Author, Engineer, Entrepreneur,              <>
Consultant, Researcher, Scientist.           <ldap://>