Re: Justice's Return (Was: Re: The End of Privacy ?)

Michael Lorrey (
Sun, 05 Jul 1998 18:28:20 -0400 wrote:

> In a message dated 7/5/98 11:32:13 AM, you wrote:
> >Yes, we have a saying here: A Republican is merely a Democrat who has been
> >mugged. Come back and say that after you have been vicitmized thus.
> There is a basic difference in choice, other than a taxation bracket -
> hopefully one you do not ignore. Republican vote often supports a whole
> crapload of laws that deem the government able to regulate moral behavior,
> pornography, school programs, sexual education, arts and entertainment
> content.. the list grows daily... religious freedom, soon... maybe... (?)
> This path does notdo not represent more freedom!
> It just caters to certain interests more than others.. (yours...?)
> You seem to be suggesting that they support a libertarian platform..
> They don't - they merely mouth "lower taxes: less centralized government"
> while stealing as much if not more (just from different areas) and directing
> it covertly.

Its actually a libertarian joke. The other side of the joke is that a Democrat is merely a Republican who has been laid off.... The two phrases are meant to communicate that Dems and Repubs are just two sides of the same political party, the pro-government-as-the-solution party. Fortunately, more and more libertarian ideas are seeping into the less demagogic members of both parties. Watching which libertarian ideas seep into which party is pretty interesting, and may lead to a real difference in parties once again.

   Michael Lorrey
------------------------------------------------------------ Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
MikeySoft: Graphic Design/Animation/Publishing/Engineering
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