Re: META: NSPIC debate? (was Re: NSPIC = Neuro-Semantic

Jim Legg (
Wed, 24 Sep 1997 07:22:37 +1200

Freespeak wrote:
> At 09:16 PM 9/22/97 -0400, <> wrote:
> >Hal Finney wrote:
> >
> >> Did someone really invite people to join
> >> extropians in order to have a place to talk about this?
> >
> >I think your answer is found at
> >
> >
> >Or to be more responsive, yes, someone did.
> >
> Jimm Legg, already an Extropian as far as I know,
> and owner of the above website, expressed an interest
> in the NSPIC debate, so I asked him to participate.

Frederick, please let me say how much I admire your revelations of what
it took for you to bring this debate here. I'm a rejoined extropian list
member and I came here specifically for this debate because I have
something to offer.

> I don't understand what he's doing with NSPIC on
> his website, nor why he's doing it. I got the

I don't yet understand where else you have debated NSPIC before now. I'm
playing catch up with your mindset the best way I know how. I stress
that there is a tacit understanding on my page whether you refuse to see
it or not. At this stage of the debate my understanding of what you're
doing with NSPIC is quid pro quo. I hope you're not deliberately being a
evasive with your display of ignorance about my intentions. To which I
will with tact rate the discontinuously significant barrier of you being
a Judas Sheep in betraying others like me to the secret police of the
META tag on the extropy list.

I have the impression -- perhaps misguided on my part -- that you're on
terms with "radically libertarian psychology," and a defender of price
economics remaining in its current form. Please convince me otherwise or
you will skeptically oppose me with your disbelief. Your decisions will
force my loss of formulation as determined by Dramatica Theory. It's
therefore important for this debate that you and the rest of the extropy
list unconditionally surrender all ideas of having money and evaluate
the replacement of belief in price in order to transcend the illusion of

If this can't be done the destruction of Ingrid will cause terrible loss
and retribution. If such exists "the extropy META police" now cease
tactless email hiccaps during this debate, no one running interference -
ok? Otherwise I hope you're prepared to declare this debate publicly
exposed here on the family group known the extropian list. It is
demonstrably important to realizing that forceful skill with Ingrid is
my singularity's means to communicate to extropians about NSPIC. Are you
aware that Tony Blair, Britain's new PM, is trained in and seems to
approvs of this repertory grid technique.

> impression -- perhaps misguided on my part --
> that he thinks he already knows all the elements
> of NSPIC and has written them on his website.
> But I couldn't find there even one of the elements
> I think I've identified.

Don't jump to conclusions, this is only the circumspection phase of the
debate. Tell me what you think after you "See What You Think..." Feel
free to send me an updated list of your elements and the related grid
values. As yet I haven't seen any. Frederick, you may have an inventory
of identified elements. As these become known from your emnail, they
will add to my Ingrid program and the results will change on the
website. It is empirically analytical and can show consensus.

This is the list elements that I have seen as this debate stands. Your
seven purposes are starring at right you. If you don't think purposes
are elements, then sorry to sound harsh but please back off your
inappropriate use of the word 'element'.


ImpFor 1. to improve the formulation of NSPIC.
Identf 2. to identify all the elements of NSPIC.
Barrrs 3. to identify the barriers to understanding NSPIC.
Skills 4. to identify the thinking skills needed to transcend NSPIC.
Trnsnd 6. identification of a series of steps to transcend NSPIC.
Benfit 5. to outline the benefits gained from understanding and
transcending NSPIC.
DevCom 7. develop the means to communicate to extropians about NSPIC

Since the debate started more sinister elements are emerging

ConPrj 8. convert others - New Paradigms Discussion Group
Enemy 9. arrange thread assassination
netiqt A. develop the netiquette to communicate to others about NSPIC

Synthesised Priorituers

CabalX B. to expose to the public and overturn the terrorcrats - ENDED
Judas C. to ensure Frederick Mann isn't a Judas - ENDED
Skills 4. to identify the thinking skills needed to transcend NSPIC.


Consen - the need to obtain Consensus
Timtbl - the Time required to implement
Belief - the difficulty of adapting existing belief systems
Debate - the NSPIC debate itself
Extrpy - the current style of the Extropy Institute
Ingrid - the Freeware called The Ingrid Thought Processor
Statsm - the objections of the current form of Statism.

Since the debate started more sinister constructs are emerging

Secret - extropy surrenders
Royal - The Royal Illusion
Territ - the map is not the territory illusion
libert - radically libertarian psychology
price - the illusion of price

Irrational considerations

Dupes - sinister mail tampering and dupe storms - ENDED

ImpFor Identf Barrrs Trnsnd Benfit DevCom ConPrj Enemy netiqt
CabalX Judas Skills

Consen 4 2 5 4 5 2 1 2 3 4
2 3
Timtbl 1 2 3 5 3 2 2 5 1 2
3 4
Belief 2 2 5 5 3 5 4 5 4 4
4 3
debate 2 2 2 4 5 5 2 4 1 4
5 4
extrpy 2 2 4 5 3 4 4 2 2 2
4 2
Ingrid 4 5 3 5 5 5 2 4 4 4
4 4
statsm 2 4 5 3 2 1 4 3 3 4
4 2
Secret 4 5 2 4 4 5 2 2 2 4
1 4
Royal 3 3 4 1 2 3 4 4 3 1
5 3
Territ 4 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 4 1
4 4
libert 2 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 2
4 2
price 2 5 5 4 4 5 3 4 3 1
5 4

Dupes 1 4 5 1 1 2 2 4 4 4
2 2

For the computer results of the debate according to Ingrid Analysis.
"youth and skill can always knock out old age and treachery"