More social genetics... (vol 5, nr 107...) Uff!!

Prof. Jose Gomes Filho (
Wed, 6 Aug 1997 11:59:47 +0000

> >2. Why don't you ASK some Blacks what they think of all this. Kennita,
> >do you want to say anything??
> Only what I always do....

> Kennita Watson | The bond that links your true family is not one of blood,
>| but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do
> | members of the same family grow up under the same roof.
> | -- Richard Bach, _Illusions_

Dear Kennita,

Don't know if you read my complete exposition. But as a
scientist, (although specialized, having a strong generallist
characteristic - almost ecological, since the environmental phenomena
may be treated using other points of view... although not always so
clean or precise...) I simply *know* that lots of my black
friends (and not only in Brazil...) would love a lot to change their
external appearance (and lots of them will just admit when it will
be disposable for them... if not, or will have any psychological
problem to be solved or will be influenced by any of the memes like
religion, communism, etc., or will have no money to get the
treatment, in a first moment...). It is just an individual option,
that they do not have yet.... And... if it depend*ed* on just the
"smart" racists, they would never get it...

Friendly Hugs,


PS: Bellow is again my complete message, with a *little comment* :
(if you have already read the massage, please, if you wish, read
the comment...)

> > Prof. Jose Gomes Filho wrote:
> >
> > > 1. It is observed that the mind of a person answers to physical
> > > effects in different ways (very obvius...). And the light is a
> > > physical effect. So it's natural that the minds (be of "whites"
> > > (light roses) or "blacks" (browns)) react differently when
> > > seeing a white or black person... It is not racism... Its just a
> > > "photo-neuronal" effect...
> >
> > In dim light (such as moonlight), only the rods in our retinas are
> > active. Yet there is little if any evidence of behavioral change
> > in moonlight, let alone what that change may be. I sure the
> > lunatics on this list will protest....
> >
> > O---------------------------------O
> > | Hara Ra <> |
> > | Box 8334 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 |
> > O---------------------------------O
> I'll make worse. For going deeper with the scientific conclusions, I
> prefer to go straight to the points, so the intellectual selection
> will be done...As a matter of fact, we are talking in the teacher's
> room, and not at the school yard, nor at high school, and not even
> just bachelorate level... (although eventual true intelectuals are
> always welcome, independently on their academic education...) Let's
> go:
> 1) Indeed, as a scientist I know that studying the reallity of the
> facts is much better than working in illusion. Even if we want to
> give another option to the other... For example, I repeat that the
> psychological external factor is important and lots of blacks will

******* I said "lots of" and not "all". Indeed, If someth happens to
me that would change my external appearance, or even the science
would discover a treatment that would make me feel much better
externally - like the recent discovery of the white hair gene... of
course I will use a treatment to keep (make) my hair, or skin, or
anything (hehehe) much better, when I get old or not- when we feel
good internally, we "may" better (and freely) treat the external too
(and, I repeat, I consider the process something recursive...).
(Anyway, I am free of religious memes, like the christians that
consider that "suffering like Jesus did..." tchan!.. (poor
good-intentioned boy...but certainly there were worse suffers...-
for the sados..) will buy them a stairway to heaven (sorry dear Page
and other Zeps, for the mix (hehehe)...). If you have been following
the discussions, have noticed that we, the most free, less
preconceptous and advanced minds on the list, are foreseeing even
the substitution of the *whole brain* ... and you do no think it
wouldn't be improved, dont you? (obviously keeping the
individualities...) Now, when after all this, we simply read racist
or preconceptual confused interpretations, you can imagine how
"angry" we get... ( If it weren't the market/commercial reasons (do
not kill yourselves, those who still are innocent poor
babies...hehehe) I'd say simply: yes, keep on being as you want (not
personal, just general...) just do not perturb! (of course I'd also
think: must be crazy...)


> love more themselves and to living when they can make genetical
> skin-hair-eyes treatment...They already try to strenght their
> hair...
> 2)About the "cultural treatment", untill I have perceived, the
> "median" whites will like more to providing it when "pacients" will
> be white too.. ( that is not the ideal, but being very rigid,
> waiting just for the "conversion" of all to the "perfect heavenly
> good", seeing the "brother" as an equal, blablabla, has already been
> shown as not very efficient... from both sides...There is necessity
> of real acts...) Naked truth: Help a black to feel better: Make it
> white... (And we know they will like it...Michael Jackson is
> right...See a picture of him before and after...and his success) (
> It seems a little joke but, ev'ry body knows, f.ex., that Jesus was
> a hebrew and, very very possibly, black haired, and not so white
> skinned. Even though, the first european painters of "sacred art"
> made lots of pictures of a blond-haired, blue-eyed Jesus...and Mary,
> angels, etc...why? Projected on the "Perfect" their notions of
> perfectness... )
> 2)Ask, for ex ., a black woman if she wouldn't love to change her
> external characteristics. I said woman, since women have dedicated
> more their mind development, in media, associated to external
> factors, because of the "Machist" Natural Selection and also because
> they generally think a lot (just) in "grow up and marry", instead of
> working and earning their money for suviving *for themselves* - by
> the way it is much more interesting and... workless... isn't it?
> With some exceptions, of course...
> PS: Sorry and not for the girls. But the human has added an
> important tool for its evolution: the conciousness of the
> reality... The question for you is: Is this good or better? Really
> wanna see your answers... And evolutive seriousness... Do not forget
> we're here not just "Playing God...", but...being better than such
> image !...

Prof. Gomes

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