Re: Anarchy and spontaneous order in business and education

Abraham Moses Genen (
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 19:43:23 -0400

Abraham Moses Genen
Being dedicated to the future progress of humankind
should be the prime concern of all civilized beings.

From: Michael Lorrey <>
Subject: Re: Anarchy and spontaneous order in business and education
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 1997 10:29 PM

Abraham Moses Genen wrote:
> Dear fellow Extrpians,
> Possibly creative colaboration and cooperation within a real or virtual
> organization owned and operated by its employees might be a more
> and effective paln than anarchy?
> Please consider this as a meaningful alternative.
> Enjoy the dialogue,

I really liked what Wax had to say. In an anarchy, all possibilities are
allowed. I don't know why you are fixated on the idea that companies
must all be owned by all of their employees. If they go into the job
investing existing assets, then great, but the idea of giving one
ownership for free when they start a job is dumb, not to mention
economical unfeasible (people seem to wonder why the privatization of
many companies in Russia has failed so badly).

Employees should also have the right, as many currently do in this
country, to invest whatever level they wish in the company, even $0. If
they can make a better profit investing elsewhere, its their money. I'm
really tired of people who think that people need to be protected from
themselves. Stupidity is the last Darwinian influence on our society,
lets not give that up, lest we begin to deevolve....

Dear Michael and other fellow Extropians:

It would appear that not everyone is familar with Employees Stock
Ownership Plans (ESOPS) or methods that have recently been developed of
creating an environment that encourages cross cultural integration and

Hierarchys in many organizations are being flattened and are rapidly
becoming obsolescent. This is primarily due to the changes in the economic
environment and the need to compete more effectively.

Middle managers in many organizations are being re-educated and are being
converted into team leaders. Ultimately, such teams become virtual teams
as knowledge, skills and abilities are interchanged and consoladated.
Leadership at that point ceases to be an issue.

Obviously, there are more than a few egocentric dinosaurs that are being
phased out in this evolving environment. Far greater emphasis is placed on
self-reliance and self-actualization is encouraged as a productivity
enhancing asset.

Since it is a change of order and a shift in and sharing of power I don't
think anyone who has studied management has considered the concept of
Anarchy as a philosophical basis for change. It might seem a bit to
abstract, unrealistic and ideologically fixated to provide much practical
value for the majority of post-industrial leaders.

I suspect that there are those who wish to express alternative proposals
and opinions. The question will remain, however, as to the ease of


Abraham Moses Genen