Re: Energy and "the Clash of Civilizations" -- a policy thought problem

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Sep 29 2001 - 04:01:56 MDT

Damien Broderick wrote:
> At 12:06 AM 9/29/01 -0400, Eliezer wrote:
> >> Question: What would you propose?
> >
> >Lots and lots and lots of nuclear power plants.
> Each of them protected by a force field and ray guns, to keep the next lot
> of terrorist-hijacked planes at bay.

There will be no more terrorist hijacked planes. That is not
difficult to guarantee. At least much less difficult than force
fields and ray guns.

> And try not to build them over faults this time.
> And never use candles when checking the foam rubber seals.

Ancient history.

- samantha

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