Harvey Newstrom wrote:
Nothing is uncrackable these days, even with brute-force. Encryption is a
temporary solution at best. We must assume that at some date in the future
supercomputers or networks of computers will scan all Dejanews/Google
archives and decrypt all stored messages in the history of the Internet. No
one should send anything encrypted over the Internet that you don't want
read publicly in the future.
### Here is a message from me: 17, 5, 15, 27, 47, 8, 54.
It is a message that can easily be decrypted by anybody who has the key, and
the same key can be used to encode a large number of messages, without using
any advanced cryptographic techniques.
I am perfectly sure that you, or anybody not informed about the exact
cipher, will never be able to decode the message, no matter how powerful
your computer might someday be.
Rafal Smigrodzki, MD-PhD
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