RE: Steganography

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Wed Sep 26 2001 - 19:55:16 MDT

Mikael Johansson wrote,

The file seshat1.jpgis a compressed jpeg with a steganography message
encoded into it with outguess version 0.2 for Unix. The message is either
encrypted or random data.

The file seshat2.jpg is a compressed jpeg with a steganography message
encoded into it with outguess version 0.2 for Unix. The message is
plaintext with no encryption.

The file seshat3.jpgis a compressed jpeg with a steganography message
encoded into it with outguess version 0.2 for Unix. The message is either
encrypted or random data.

The file seshat4.jpgis a compressed jpeg with a steganography message
encoded into it with outguess version 0.2 for Unix. The message is either
encrypted or random data.

The file seshat5.jpg is a raytracing with no jpeg compression and no
steganograpny message encoded into it.

I am not going to take the time required to break the encryption of
seshat1.jpg, seshat3.jpg, and seshat4.jpg to determine which is PGP
encrypted, which is otherwise encrypted, and which is random data. I am
trying to show that steganographic messages are not undetectable. Cracking
the encryption would take much more time and would not add to my basic
point. (I don't think anyone disputes that encryption can be cracked given
enough time and cpu power.)

Harvey Newstrom <>
Principal Security Consultant, Newstaff Inc. <>
Board of Directors, Extropy Institute <>
Cofounder, Pro-Act <>

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