Re: Choosing one's fights, was Re: George W. Bush's Speech on September 20, 2001

From: Miriam English (
Date: Mon Sep 24 2001 - 05:54:16 MDT

At 01:52 PM 24/09/2001, Damien Broderick wrote:
>The other day I mentioned my devotion to Aaron Sorkin's astonishingly
>effective TV drama THE WEST WING. We in Oz are behind, as usual, so the
>season finale only just viewed here last night. I have to tell you, it made
>my hair stand on end to see the good-guy Catholic Prez of the United States
>standing in the nave of a mighty cathedral denouncing god as a feckless son
>of a bitch. Granted, there was a slightly sentimental implied redemptive
>retraction in the closing moments (God doesn't *cause* fatal car crashes,
>so it's all right, there, there), but this ferocious and entirely justified
>blasphemy on a major US TV series did my heart good, I have to tell you.
>Damien Broderick

I wholeheartedly agree. I could hardly believe my ears! It was a truly
wonderful moment.


         - Miriam

Q. What is the similarity between an elephant and a grape?
A. They are both purple... except for the elephant.
Virtual Reality Association

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