Re: WTC event as a precipitating factor in anomalous REG data collection?

From: scerir (
Date: Thu Sep 20 2001 - 16:27:12 MDT

> Go to

"Evidence compels us to consider that consciousness may
operate as a *nonlocal* field. The Global Consciousness Project
(GCP) takes this possibility a step further, proposing that the fields
generated by individual consciousness would interact and combine,
and ultimately have global dimensions"


[very random mini-thoughts]

Pauli wrote (to Heisenberg), about the EPR experiment:
"Quite independently of Einstein, it appears to me that,
in providing a systematic foundation for quantum mechanics,
one should start more from the *composition and separation*
of systems than has until now (with Dirac, e.g.) been the case.
 - This is indeed - as Einstein has correctly felt - a very fundamental
point in quantum mechanics ......".

Following Jarrett, Shimony, Howard, Cushing, etc.) the original
Einstein-Bell locality condition [for a composite system in a joint state the
joint probability of outcomes for measurements of observables is equal to
the product of the separate probabilities] seems equivalent to the conjunction
of two *independent* conditions: a *locality* condition and a *separability*

*Locality* = Given two systems A and B, space-like separated, the state
of A cannot be influenced by events (measurements) on B, and viceversa.

*Separability* = Two systems, separated by some spatio-temporal interval,
possess their own separate states, regardless of their previous history,
and the joint state is completely determined by their own separate states.
Now Aspect (et al.) showed that the Einstein-Bell locality condition is violated.
It means that either the *locality* condition is violated or the *separability* condition
is violated (or both). The violation of *locality* implies superluminal comunication.
Eberhard, Page, Ghirardi (et al.) showed that QM implies (just) the violation
of the *separability* condition.

Note that a perfect *deterministic* quantum theory, which is able to reproduce
all QM predictions, does not violate *separability* alone but also - and especially -
the *locality* condition. Which means: superluminal signals.


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