Re: Noted Keynesian Gleeful Over Bombing?

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 20:45:22 MDT

Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> Mike Lorrey wrote,
> > Actually, the rationale for the Capital Gains Tax is to INCREASE tax
> > revinues by stimulating more market activity. They also, you didn't
> > mention, want to couple this with a rise in the minimum wage since the
> > past several increases in the minimum wage have proven to be
> > non-inflationary in impact. The Democrats are all for this, though a
> > side effect of this will be that more small businesses will be forced to
> > employ prisoners, who are not subject to minimum wage protections.
> Thanks, I had not heard about the minimum wage hike. Are Republicans for
> that one? I notice that both sides of the aisle are a lot more interested
> in working together now.

Ah, I just recognise a typo I made. I meant to say that the tax decrease
is meant to increase revinues....

The GOP is proposing the minimum wage hike to get the DNC to jump on

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