Quoeth Spudboy100@aol.com
<Hello deepbluehalo@earthlink.net (Brian Phillips),
In reference to your comment:
I'm a Jew. I don't believe in much, in the religious sense, but I don't
believe that pacifism can be a one way street. So here is my view on the
listed attitude. Its a typical Waspy attitude, that surely persisted before
world war two, and has continued unto this hour. As far as I am concerned,
the blame Israel crowd is largely the same, whatever the protestations to
contrary, as those who knew about Hitler's ultimate goals, (like the US
Department) and didn't give a shit anyway; and frankly don't today, and
secretly enjoy what happened...so be it.>
Aha! T'would seem I'm "anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews". Imagine that!
Well guess what guy, I don't cringe at the old "you're really just an
sympathizer in disguise or denial" routine. It's old hat by now. And if
you think it's a problem...well go play in Gaza or something.. I've no use
for it.
<The USA can change its foreign policy to whatever it wants. Maybe it can be
squeezed, but I don't think it you can squeeze it to surrender. So, do your
worst. Enjoy your OPEC oil, and remember all those Saudi billionaires who
fund the Al Qedas Movement, because next time they'll use sarin, or
strontium, or smallpox. But hey, what's more important then a nice
portfolio? >
At the risk of pointing out the obvious I'd remind you that I was
NOT enjoying the OPEC oil, but rather sticking to our own neck of the woods
and minding our own business. You have real nerve twisting a statement that
"we should let Israel go her own way, and focus on exploiting what we have
right here in the THIS half of the world" into some weird attack like this.
You lost LOTS of face on this one. I am a Southron sort, which means
that a "nice portfolio" is a lot less important to me than peaceful real
estate. If anything it makes me less of an Extropian sort, since I tend
to think in tribal/regionalist terms rather than the big future picture
sometimes. I tend to focus on the bioregionalism of the Appalachians
and how to preserve folkways in a future that is happening right now.
I don't care if you are a jew, or even if Israel as a state exists. It's
a non-issue. I don't buy into guilt trips by Eretz Israel, guy. The
Shoah is over, and besides it didn't happen here.
I'm far more concerned about whether the fog in the mornings
is as thick as usual than whether the ADL has it's knickers in
a twist.
have a great Rosh Hashanah guy!
(for the interests of accuracy I've included the passage that
marks me as a OPEC oil-loving, WASP stock-junkie
"naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews" below.)
è Negative ma'am. The United States can do just fine by
è opening up Alaska and contenting itself with the
è petroleum rescources here in the Western
è Hemisphere. In truth that's likely one reason why
è liberals want to conserve Alaska (regardless of what
è rights and wishs of Alaskan state citizens) and lock
è up the state in a straitjacket of Wetlands Laws and
è various pseudo-Green nonsense. An America that
è utilized it's own rescources and those of it's natural
è (geographically adjacent) allies would not NEED to be
è playing realpolitik on the behalf of Tel Aviv (and would
è not need the "Excuse" of middle east oil). I suspect
è Europe might have to pay it's own way a bit more
è then..... What's weird is fossil fuel economies are on
è their last surge before they are abandoned...why are
è we "saving" supplies in the Western Hemisphere at the
è cost of American lives? cheers, Brian
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