Re: MORALITY: making tradeoffs (was: a topic we will not discuss)

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 12:54:57 MDT

On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 08:20:32AM -0700, Robert J. Bradbury wrote:
> The point of all of this is to suggest that the Extropian Principles
> may be incomplete or self-conflicting because I cannot look at them
> and discover a clear path out of this situation. I find myself
> asking myself, "Is it 'rational' to seek to preserve the lives
> of people who prefer and propagate 'blind faith' and 'dogma'"
> whose clear agenda is to destroy one of the most open societies
> on the planet today?"

The extropian principles are not a complete philosophical system by any
stretch, and do not claim to be either. But if you read between the
lines you see that they derive their values from the
renaissance-enlightenment humanist tradition and the liberal/libertarian
tradition. To use computer speak, they are have multiple inheritance.
So if you want to answer those questions, you have to go to the
superclasses for answer.

This is maybe something that needs to be stated more firmly in an
Extropian FAQ?

Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!                  
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