Re: Greg Johnson on dropping the alliance with Israel

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 10:57:57 MDT

Barbara Lamar wrote:
> Alejandro Dubrovsky wrote:
> > >
> > history is definitely not my field, but AFAIK, there was no
> > governmental US
> > support for the first dozen years or so of israel's history.
> > i would like someone with more knowledge
> >on the matter to comment.
> Okay, here are comments from people with more knowledge. I have no direct
> personal knowledge of US aid to Israel, only what I've read or heard. I do
> have direct personal knowledge that some expenditures of the US government
> don't appear in official budget statements, so I don't find it difficult to
> believe the sources below that say aid to Israel has been even higher than
> reflected in official reports.
> I've used several sources here to minimize error. I think I've used a fairly
> comprehensive range of viewpoints, and they all seem to agree on the basic
> point that Israel has always received aid from the US government.
> shows an average of $74 million per
> year 1949 - 1969

Dead link. I ask if this just deals in money coming from the US as a
whole (balance of payments) or actually from the federal government.
Israel has always enjoyed a large amount of cashflow from the profits of
American Jews in US businesses they own, which would show up on the
balance of payments stats as 'coming from the US'.

Furthermore, it seemed to me that the 'aid' we were talking about was
military aid, not humanitarian aid.

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