Robert Bradbury wrote:
> Is this feasible? It would appear to be the case. 100 Minutemann III
> ICBMs could launch 300+ Ktons each at Afganistan. This roughly
> translates to over 1 ton TNT/person. While this is unlikely to
> kill everyone, it is likely to knock the population back to the
> sub-cave-person level and make a large negative impact on the
> feasibility of staging terrorist activities from that country.
An excellent idea, but I think, it needs some refinement:
First of all: all small states whithout wise leadership
are potential breeding ground of terrorists. Of course it is not
pleasent to fight against nations which have nuclear weaponry.
My suggestion is a huge alliance of all states with nuclear weapons.
These are mainly those countries which are somewhat advanced, so the
other countries can be considered to be neglectible or simply
harmful for the singularity. My vision is a great "peace-making" effort
of USA,Europe,Russia,China,India, Pakistan and Israel. They have the
the power to get rid of all evil on earth.
I am quite certain that there is enough nuclear bomb and missile there
to eradicate the whole middle east, Africa(they are only spreading
AIDS, anyhow). We could set an elegant and effective end to the drug
war by weeping out South-America also. (Just think of the lives of the
lot of policemen and potantial drug addicts, we can save that way.)
I believe that this would be brightest day of humanity. After this day,
we woud see optimistically in future and could work undistracted towards
the singularity, heil!
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