From: "Michael Wiik" <>
> > As an example, say you paste your girlfriend into the arms of bin Laden.
> > What do you do when the CIA finds out who she is and wastes time and
> > resources questioning her about her involvement with bin Laden. Even
> > they will eventually find out the truth, you have wasted resources that
> > could have been used tracking down real threats.
> Thus the job of citizens is to keep quiet, pay taxes, and let the gov't
> professionals get to work?
I didn't say "keep quiet". I said "don't muddy the waters with false
> Which professionals are we talking about?
> Dubya?
I doubt he's doing any investigation personally. I mean anyone from
national (CIA, NSO) down to local sheriff. Don't make their job harder than
it has to be. Whether intentional or not, if you slow down the
investigation with false reports, you are helping the terrorists.
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