In light of this and the information Chen put out, we are in
much, much more serious trouble than I had hoped. On the order
of 100,000 commando-trained terrorists spread all over a couple
of dozen countries and available as shock troops to at least
Pakistan and possibly other governments is a truly horrific
prospect. If we do nothing then these troops will eventually be
used to far more deadly effect than those of 9/11. If we wish
to clean up this mess that we partially created in order to stop
Soviet advances in the region then it will require a huge
committment of troops, of dollars and of American and other
I am stunned. We are in deep do-do. If many of these people
are also sleepers in this(US) and other countries then the
impact is even more horrific. I don't have any easy answers at
all. I'll shutup for now.
About the only "end run" left is to give enough of these
guerillas something else to join or high incentives to lay down
their arms and come in out of the cold. But I don't know how
that might be done.
- samantha
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