Why does a punch to the sternum knock the victim on his ass but not the
person throwing the punch?
forward momentum of the punchers body.
and it doesn't usualy knock the victim on his ass, if it does its probably a
nerve reflex
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Lorrey" <mlorrey@datamann.com>
To: <extropians@extropy.org>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: TERRORISM: looking for solutions
> James Rogers wrote:
> >
> > On 9/13/01 9:33 AM, "Mike Lorrey" <mlorrey@datamann.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > Even if they are wearing a kevlar vest,
> > > all the bullet energy will hit them, knocking them on their asses and
> > > enabling them to be subdued.
> >
> > Check your physics, my dear Mikey. If the bullets knock the attacker on
> > ass with the energy alone, what does it do to the shooter?
> Don't forget the stance of the shooter versus the target. Energy
> released by the recoil is absorbed by the arms and the torsion against
> the forward leaning stance of the shooter. The target generally will
> have a center of gravity behind their feet when faced with a shooter,
> and their chest will not provide as much cushioning as the arms provide
> against recoil.
> Why does a punch to the sternum knock the victim on his ass but not the
> person throwing the punch?
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