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>Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 22:48:37 -0700
> Adrian Tymes <wingcat@pacbell.net> Re: TERRORISM: looking for solutions extropians@extropy.orgReply-To: extropians@extropy.org
>Joe Dees wrote:
>> >From: Adrian Tymes <wingcat@pacbell.net>
>> >One of the better solutions I've heard today is to train the stewards
>> >in security. Give them batons and tasers, normally concealed under
>> >their uniforms (don't want to *look* threatening), and make sure they
>> >know how to use them. The number of ways a passenger-turned-terrorist
>> >can try to take over a plane is limited; most of them can probably be
>> >programmed into simulators for training against. Main objective is to
>> >prevent hijacking, but this might also be useful day-to-day in cases of
>> >severe air rage.
>> >
>> This might work against a lone terrorist, but the cellphone calls
>> that came from the planes indicated that there were as many as a
>> half-dozen hijackers per plane.
>Fine. There's *how* many stewards?
Let's ask, and also ask about the height, weight, gender and combat training of the average stew.
>And the stewards could gang up on
>each terrorist, while the terrorists would have to disperse since
>they're monitoring all the passengers.
You seem to think that there are dozens of them per plane. Who have YOU been flying with?
>BTW, to those who suggested guns: I suggested batons and tasers because
>they don't punch holes in the aircraft hull...and they tend to be less
>deadly to any hostages or other bodies that happen to get in the way.
>Killing an enemy is not always the best way to remove the threat they
In fact, the best way I've seen advocated onlist is cockpit security. But we're gonna have sky marshals anyway; let's hope they're not like elderly bank guards, and know how to retain and use the weapons they're issued, while avoiding depressurizing the plane in the process.
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