From: David Lubkin <>
There's a basic question I'm surprised no one has posted before:
Do we know that our friends -- extropians, cryonicists,
transhumanists, etc. -- in DC and NY are safe?
I'm particularly concerned about Perry Metzger, who could
reasonably have been in the World Trade Center yesterday.
Subscribe to the exi-freedom list, we've known since yesterday that
Perry was safe.
Hope Perry doesn't mind:
>From: "Perry E. Metzger" <>
>>"Russell Whitaker" <> writes:
>> I'm still trying to get hold of Perry Metzger in New York
>> to see if he's OK.
>> There are still planes unaccounted for. Bastards.
>I'm fine. One friend of mine was unaccounted for, but appears to
>have survived the destruction of his home/office, as did his
>girlfriend. My friends working across the street also survived.
>The collapse of the buildings was viewed by my staff. By the time
>I got here, all that was left was a giant cloud. I struggled into
>the office -- we're on 14th street, on the edge of the area that
>has been closed off.
>Anyone in NYC or nearby should please go and donate blood. It is
>desperately short here. There are ambulances still going by the
>door constantly.
>The purpose of terrorism is to disrupt and destroy. We all owe it
>to the dead to continue working and continue building.
>BTW, what is the "exi-freedom" mailing list? I was previously
>unaware of it.
Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
SBC/Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W
Disclosure notice: currently "plonked"
"Joe Dees" <>
"Party of Citizens"<>
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