Mike Lorrey wrote:
> Of course not, but there are some libertarian positions that the
> dems/liberals promote, and others that the GOP/conservatives promote.
> Thus, the fact that Vermont, which is documented as the target of an
> organized effort since the 1970's to migrate liberals there in order to
> change the political landscape AND that it is the only state to legalize
> gay marriage (as well as sibling and parent/child 'domestic
> partnerships') AND that gay issues are libertarian ones that generally
> liberals only promote supports my original contention.
Whatever. After today I've lost track of any relevance you
being right originally somewhat might or might not have. Sorry
about that.
Vermont is also the only state where the right to carry is
guaranteed without any red tape. That it also got out of the
way on gay marriage isn't surprising considering that it has a
reputation of standing for what it believes right regardless of
what the rest of the country does.
- samantha
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