Re: plonking (was: Re: Singularity: can't happen here)

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Tue Sep 11 2001 - 02:55:51 MDT

Damien Broderick wrote:
> At 04:02 PM 9/10/01 -0700, samantha wrote:
> >I was surprised by a *plonk* over what amounted to a
> >misunderstanding and more than a bit ticked off by such. There
> >aren't enough of us to casually quit talking to each other.
> Indeed, but you instantly *plonked*ed back anyway. Samantha, I guess you
> don't appreciate how offensively your post came across.

I did no such thing. It was a play on go f*** yourself over
what I considered an over-defensive reaction. It was a joke. I
prize Russell's posts too much to plonk him. What is there you
don't appreciate?

Opinions were offered on the subject not-to-discussed and then
discussion closed. That didn't feel quite right and that was
all I meant to get across. I don't see how what I said was so
all-fired offensive.

I made some other points (I thought) about the dangers of
becoming not ourselves or posturing in order to draw more
allies. I don't see why those weren't worth responding to
rather than taking offense.

> Russell wrote:
> >>I have no particular position one way or the
> >> other about gun control, am quite happy that discussions about it are
> >> relegated to some other list that Mike Lorrey runs, and don't want to have
> >> an argument about the issue with anyone on any side of it.
> samantha replied inter alia:
> >Then I suggest you don't open up the subject here.
> >...does not mean
> >that any of us should muzzle ourselves about any other aspects
> >of such freedom that concern us.
> >We are going to limit the power of the state by granting that
> >the state should have unreasonable power over our lives? Come
> >again?
> >I also don't plan on
> >walking on eggshells about what my views on other subjects are
> >in order to fight it.
> I certainly read all this on my first pass as deep-coded thus: `Hey, if
> you're not signed up 100 percent to the Charter, piss off out of here, and
> who the hell are you anyway?' So I felt my own finger, too, drawn toward
> the *plonk* key. That was probably an over-reaction, I decided, but still...

WHAT? Has the whole world gone mad? I said nothing of the kind
and my history on this list does not in any way justify such an
outlandish interpretation.

- samantha

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