>From: Greg Burch <gregburch@gregburch.net>
>A family of relatively recent Indian immigrants who are merchants
>in our neighbrohood have a 10-year-old son who seems to be shaping
Neighbrohood? ;)
>up to be a math and science prodigy. He came in 5th place last
>year in the state math competition and his development in these
>areas appears to be accelerating under the enthusiastic support of
>his proud parents and teachers. His father confided in me this
>afternoon, though, that the boy is lagging in his reading skills:
>He's bored with what he's given to read at school and, while
>his parents are very fine people, they have only a modest
>education and are at a loss for what to suggest he read. When I
>proposed that we might try to interest him in some science
>fiction, his father's eyes lit up and he responded that it was a
>"splendid" idea.
>Here's the only problem: I don't know what to suggest for a
>super-bright 10-year-old in 2001. I was cutting my teeth on RAH's
>and Bradbury's (the other one)juveniles at that time and fairly
>quickly graduated to His Most Blessed Insightfulness, the Serene
>Maestro of Serendip. What's good these days?
Since Heinlein and "Snow Crash" "Enders Game" are already
recommended I'll add "The Diamond Age" and "The Foundation
Trilogy". Don't forget hard science books as well. There is a very
interesting book about an Indian math prodigy the title of which
escapes me now. "Godel, Escher Bach, an Eternal golden braid" would
also be good.
Ever since I was little I've tested way above the norm for reading.
I had a very bright teacher just out of school who used to share
her college science texts with me in 4th grade. When I was in 7th
grade I tested as 14.2 (as in second year of college) which was
originally thought to be in error, then was confirmed by a second
carefully administered test. As I result I spent alot of time being
asked questions by a room full of people in suits.
My point is that I have my own opinions on how to create a great
reader, and it's very simple.
Give them access to LOTS of interesting material, especially
material that is way over their heads, they will pick and choose to
their own levels. Even parts of complicated books can be understood
leading to that drive to understand it all. The biggest dictionary
you can afford is also essential.
You might want to consider giving us a snail-mail address to send
books to, I can't imagine anything more exciting to a young reader
than to receive lots of interesting books from people he's never
even met.
You could act as intermediary.
>Greg Burch
>Vice-Presdient, Extropy Institute
Whats a "Vice-Presdient"? ;)
Extropy Institute, www.extropy.org
National Rifle Association, www.nra.org, 1.800.672.3888
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"Joe Dees" <joedees@addall.com>
"Party of Citizens"<citizens@vcn.bc.ca>
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