What a bunch of kooks. No nuclear power in space? Sheesh. I
guess we better figure out how to turn that fusion reactor off!
What exactly do they thing will protect individuals,
corporations, entities, SIs and so on in space if their are no
weapons allowed in space?
Now I am not for an arms race by any means but I am also not for
extending stupid positions into space.
- samantha
"J. Hughes" wrote:
> Make love (or profits if you prefer), not war, baby - J. Hughes
> On September 7 the Senate Armed Services Committee voted 13-12, along party
> lines, to recommend $7 billion in 2002 for Star Wars research and
> development. The recommendation would have the funds transfered to other
> Pentagon priorities.
> While the Democrats on the committee stated that the $7 billion would be a
> cut from Bush's requested amount of $8.3 billion, they also reassured the
> public that it was still a 37% increase over Ballistic Missile Defense
> Organization (BMDO) funding levels in 2001.
> Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) told a news conference that the $7 billion would still
> provide large increases for both Theatre Missile Defense (TMD) and National
> Missile Defense (NMD).
> The House Armed Services Committee, on August 1 recommended $8.2 billion for
> BMDO in 2002.
> The full House and Senate still have to debate the 2002 funding levels in
> the coming weeks and several amendments will be expected as opponents
> attempt to seriously cut Star Wars funding.
> The Global Network maintains that research and development for all BMDO
> programs must be zero funded if we are to prevent an arms race in space.
> Just the process alone of Pentagon and aerospace corporation Star Wars
> research and development is destabilizing as the message is sent to the rest
> of the world that the U.S. intends to follow through with plans for "control
> and domination" of space.
> History shows that with each advancement of weapons technology a new arms
> race has always followed. We urge all concerned citizens to do all they can
> to oppose all BMDO funding for 2002 and beyond.
> Bruce K. Gagnon
> Coordinator
> Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
> PO Box 90083
> Gainesville, FL. 32607
> (352) 337-9274
> http://www.space4peace.org
> globalnet@mindspring.com
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