Re: ECON:MEDIA: Chavez Slams Market Capitalism

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sat Sep 08 2001 - 10:31:22 MDT

Brian D Williams wrote:
> >From page A-2 of todays Investors Business Daily:
> Chavez Slams Market Capitalism
> "Venezuela and Cuba, united as "one team" by their growing ties,
> should spearhead an international campaign against free markets,
> Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said. Chavez heaped praise on
> Cuban President Fidel Castro and hailed a year-old economic pact
> between the two countries."
> Nothing like a good Friday afternoon chuckle....

Yeah, well, watch out: Daniel Ortega is poised to win the Nicaraguan
Presidential election. Talk about domino theories...

Notice how much Bush is schmoozing Fox, on a not unrelated note.

What Chavez is doing is trying to leverage Venezuela's oil wealth into
constructing a latin only trade bloc to compete against the FTAA. He is
smart in wishing to be the big fish in a small pond rather than a small
fish in a big one.

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