On Wed, 5 Sep 2001 15:42:16 +0200, you wrote:
>On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 07:47:45PM +0800, Chen Yixiong, Eric wrote:
>> A wide ranging speech about the state of current society:
>> http://larouchepub.com/lar/1997/summon_moral_072797_1.html
>> http://larouchepub.com/lar/1997/summon_moral_072797_2.html
>I guess you intended this as a kind of joke? After all, why crosspost it
>so widely (and to *these* lists) if not to poke fun at net crackpots by
>imitating them?
>Of course, the likeliest result is that you have now been plonked by
>even more people.
Hey, Eric---do you remember what my reply to you was when you first
posted on this forum?
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