Global Warming (was Re: NEWS: Ageing recession warning)

From: James Rogers (
Date: Mon Sep 03 2001 - 12:00:23 MDT

On 8/30/01 11:02 AM, "Charlie Stross" <> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 31, 2001 at 02:02:27AM +1000, Miriam English wrote:
>> Mind you they still don't seem to see global warming. [shakes head]
> I live in a country where nine of the ten hottest summers on record
> have occured in the past decade. _Not_ believing in global warming
> hereabouts puts you in the same company as the flat earthers and tin
> foil hat brigade.

Two points:

1) Your example is anecdotal. There have been an unusually large number of
major earthquakes in the last ten years as well, but I'm not going to claim
that it means anything significant at this stage.

2) Global warming should make things *colder* at your latitude, not warmer
(more extreme latitude gradient with respect to temperature).

Also, the best models and most current studies I've seen to date seem to
strongly suggest that a little global warming leads to a massive cold snap
(i.e. "ice age"), not a melting of the ice caps, so "global warming" would
therefore seem to give most people the wrong idea of the actual
consequences. It won't be Cabo San Lucas in Minnesota, quite the opposite
in fact.

-James Rogers

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