Charlie Stross wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 01:45:35PM +1000, Damien Broderick wrote:
> >
> > At 12:39 PM 9/2/01 EDT, Mitch wrote:
> >
> > >(Charlie Stross):
> > >> IIRC Ayn Rand never got published in the UK.
> >
> > Then what mad universe did this daggy old 1961 Panther bodicebuster edition
> > of THE FOUNTAINHEAD come from?
> Damien, how am I going to break this to you ...
> I'm young. At least, I'm younger than you are. That edition was published
> before I was born. I've never seen a UK edition; I'm 37. (Anyway, I thought
> she was writing in the 70's, wasn't she?)
Ayn Rand escaped from the Soviet revolution in the 'teens as I recall,
and started writing in the 20's and 30's. She died sometime in the 70's,
I think, as an old woman. The primary reason she gets little press is
that she got none in the west then, as literary circles were dominated
by 'fellow travellers' and other cryptos who were convinced of the
superiority of socialism and the end of the age of the individual. That
literary types are not quite so heavily dominated is due in part to
writers like her, Solzynitsen, and others who worked for decades to pop
the balloon of fantasy the lefts in the west had about the soviet
system. NOTE: Some in the west are still deluded, and deal with it in
different ways, including denying that the soviet system was even
socialist, preferring to call it 'state capitalism'...
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