Re: Singapore's Military Drafting

From: Mike Linksvayer (
Date: Sun Sep 02 2001 - 23:04:23 MDT

On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 11:22:23AM +0800, Chen Yixiong, Eric wrote:
> Singapore faces the problem of compulsory enlistment and (attempts to)
> solve it by making an compulsory enlistment of all capable young males
> into its military to serve at least 2.5 years of service. For young male
> teens like myself, we have no means of to discard of this "obligation".
> The Singapore Government has banned our group from traveling without
> permission, and must require a bond of S$75,000 or half of one's
> parent's combined annual salary, which ever has a higher amount. This
> comes up to a substantial amount of money, making good the temporary
> bondage. Few had attempted to evade and even fewer had succeeded.
> Those who failed will have to enjoy free lodging at the jail,
> and still have to serve. The local media, which many claim fears
> the government, never speaks about these people. Some people, for
> religious reason, refuse to fight in the military. "Very well", said
> the religiously tolerant Government, and sent them promptly to do other
> (usually mundane) stuff for the 2.5 years.

Wow. appears to confirm
all of this. Surely egress is among the most fundamental rights;
or perhaps I heard too many stories of East German border guards
gunning down those attempting to leave without permission (North
Korea apparently still murders those escaping to the south, though
means other than bullets may be used, bullets being rather expensive).

Although I oppose it, I understand the rationale for Singapore's
reliance on draftees. I don't understand such strong measures to
ensure that no young male flees the country. How effective can
such soldiers be?

It seems to me that if some flexibility in the terms of service
were offered and women were included, Singapore could have more
than enough soldiers for its defense without such harsh penalties
for those who want badly enough to avoid the draft that they would
leave the country.

You have my sympathy, not that it'll do you any good.

  Mike Linksvayer

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