At 12:39 PM 9/2/01 EDT, Mitch wrote:
>(Charlie Stross):
>> IIRC Ayn Rand never got published in the UK.
Then what mad universe did this daggy old 1961 Panther bodicebuster edition
of THE FOUNTAINHEAD come from?
>Which means that in 10 years some UK intellectual will read Rand for the
>first time (just to be different) and claim it for his/her own, as if Rand
>was invented for the UK.
Ha! In Oz, she was the intellectual lightbulb over the dim head of one of
our more preposterous prime ministers, Malcolm Fraser, the one who
benefited from a constitutional coup back in Nov 11, 1975 that threw out
the majority choice, the Labour Party.
Damien Broderick
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