Re: Kuhn, was Re: new to list

From: Loree Thomas (
Date: Sat Sep 01 2001 - 19:26:37 MDT

--- Tim Maroney <> wrote:

> It's not actually necessary to be able to answer a
> question to demonstrate
> that the existing answers are inadequate.

But you haven't done that... amd you can't do that by
merely stringing together a few syllables.

Anomalous data is what demonstrates the existing
answers are incomplete (to show they are actually
wrong you'd still have to come up with something
better). Where's the data? I need data, not hot air
and hand waving.

It is exactly this kind of thing that has made me lose
interest in philosophy.

I simply don't care how many angels can dance on the
head of a pin.

At least when science asks us to believe something
that is counter intuitive, it provides not only an
explanation, but also experimental data.

As soon as you demonstrate to me that people with
different beliefs get different outcomes for the same
experiment, I'll give your theories a bit more

Until then they are the equivalent of the gigantic
invisible purple alien who sits atop the world trade
center and controls the thoughts of everybody in New


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