A scientist's or inventor's lot is a difficult one- when the time has come for a new idea, it permeates the very air, waiting to be
plucked from nowhere by any chance passerby. The study and interpretation of our Beloved Maximum Leader Greenspan's actions is such
a conundrum.
Mr. Daan Joubert has preempted and intersected, albeit differently, some parts of my pet theory:
"I dream. Of course, most people do, but my dreams are kind of special. They enact history. Or repeat it, if you wish; but to me,
while I dream, I am living history.."
"What follows is written in the first person, but the reader should clearly understand these are the words of a dreamer, and nothing
more. It is also not the full dream, but only parts that are pertinent to the main thread of this theme to be expounded. The dream,
which has consumed a number of nights, as is usual for these special dreams, is still so vivid and so overpowering and I have so
much become the character of the dream, that I have over the past few days developed a certain way of expressing myself - one in
which my sentences are even more convoluted and complex and remote than normal and I hereby undertake to make a special effort to
keep my prose simple and to the point, taking care to avoid, or where necessary excise the frequent circumlocutions and oblique
allusions that - quite purposefully on occasion - distract listeners from what I am really saying. ..."
"The expression on the face of Senator Sarbanes when I affirmed that even the Department of Defense should be subject to a sunset
clause was a quiet joy to behold. That was when he asked me whether I would advocate a return to the gold standard. He must have
read my earlier writings and wanted to test me to see whether I had reneged on the principles I had once believed in so strongly and
had expressed openly and lucidly. My reply must have come as another surprise, when I said, "I've been advocating that for years, so
there is nothing new about that . . . . It would probably mean there would only be one vote in the FOMC in favour of that, but it
would be mine."
[note: Mr. Greenspan packed the FOMC long ago with second-rate yes men...]
I was pleased that the senator had asked that question. It brought my opinion on the gold standard out into the bright lights of
centre stage.. However, as so often happens, people get intrigued by my somewhat more convoluted statements, and they expend much
time and effort and consultancy fees to find the correct interpretation of what I had said. Yet, when I really want to convey
something important in common easily understood words, of rarely more than four syllables, and with sentence construction so simple
a teenager could understand my message without a problem, these clever people do not hear what I have told them.
My reply to the senator was and remains the crux of my career; my calling. My destiny..."
"A strategy
"It required much soul searching before I had finally decided on a course of action. My strategy hinges on my ability to engineer,
in relatively short order, an economic collapse to rival, nay, exceed, that of the Thirties - the difficult Thirties of my childhood
years. To do so, I have to duplicate the monetary excesses of the mid-1920's, that led into the Crash of '29, but have to do so
without introducing the inflationary problems that resulted from similar actions by Burns in the late 60's to early 70's, else the
FOMC will be compelled to act, prematurely so, in terms of my strategy, and before the crisis can reach the deep proportions that
would achieve my objective.
"I had to carefully weigh up the disruption of the global economy that would follow any success I might have, worse than the
Thirties, against the terrible and extended fiasco that would inevitably arise if governments continued to employ their short
sighted policies in the absence of a gold standard, this time on a global scale, and a global time frame. Much sooner treat the
situation as would a surgeon who has to open up somebody's chest to do a heart transplant. Rather the short term agony and long
recovery of a major and critical operation, followed by newly regained and long to be enjoyed good health, provided, of course, the
necessary lifestyle discipline is then practiced, than the otherwise unavoidable lingering and debilitating and painwracked decline
into death.
"Rather a very sharp, relatively early, induced collapse in the financial markets before the economy of the whole world is so ruined
that it will take many decades of great hardship for all, but most of all for the common people, to recover. I know of this...."
Although the above is a billion light-years beyond what passes for 'mainstream consensus', it is still only conjecture, the stuff of
future dreams.
-- Forrest Bishop Chairman, Institute of Atomic-Scale Engineering www.iase.cc
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