Mike Lorrey wrote:
> No, but we are pretty good at calculating risk. I calculated that Bush
> was a lesser evil than Gore and voted with that in mind. While his
> positions on stem cell and cloning research are certainly not
> contributing much to progress, his positions on other areas are highly
> contributory to a future beneficial to free individuals. IMHO Gore would
> have led us further down the path to borganism. I would prefer the
> future to remain more like today than to become something Borg or
> Matrix-like. I'm very picky about what future I want.
Hey, no picking on the Borg! :-)
Seriously, at least Gore had some small understanding of and
appreciation for the Internet and technology generally. Too
many of the Bush clan believe it is the instrument of Satan and
should be severely controlled. Call me paranoid, but does it
strike anyone else as interesting that the combination of
legislation, enforcement, and the technology market being
slammed along with investment capital in general has precisely
the effect of slowing and curtailing the freedom and speed of
technological innovation especially concerning the Net? It also
slows down progress toward Singularity. Does anyone think this
just might be on purpose, at least in part?
- samantha
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