>From: "Zero Powers" <zero_powers@hotmail.com>
>>From: Brian D Williams <talon57@well.com>
>>I'm supposedly middle class, but I take public transportation
>>every day, it's an urban thing.... ;)
>You are definitely not in L.A.
I live about 50 ' outside the Chicago city limits and commute to
work downtown.
Being a handgun owner I cannot legally live in Chicago.
Extropy Institute, www.extropy.org
National Rifle Association, www.nra.org, 1.800.672.3888
SBC/Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W
Disclosure notice: currently "plonked"
"Joe Dees" <joedees@addall.com>
"Party of Citizens"<citizens@vcn.bc.ca>
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