Olga Bourlin wrote:
> From: "Chuck Kuecker" <ckuecker@mindspring.com>
> > At 07:29 PM 8/27/01 -0700, you wrote:
> > >Brian D Williams wrote:
> > >
> > > > Lets see, youre comparing Heston to Clinton, a drug dealer, and a
> > > > prostitute.
> > >
> > >Hey I believe the drug dealer part, but how do you know for
> > >sure Clinton was a prostitute?
> > >
> > >{8^D spike
> >
> > He's a TRUE politician...for sale to anyone with the right amount of
> money.
> But, hey, look at Bush. He didn't want just some ole' money. What he
> wanted was the ELECTION, and he wanted YOU to buy it for him ($300-$600
> reward offered). (WHO said he wasn't too bright?)
> Hey, guys, I'm just kidding. Just kidding ... fellas! ... just ...
In which case, our investment in him paid off, for we are now able to
keep 300-600 dollars of OUR OWN MONEY that would otherwise have been
confiscated. At a buck a vote or so, that is a really worthwhile
payback, and nothing wrong with it. Some people invest in the democrats
to get them to confiscate other people's money, we invest in the GOP to
give us more of our own back to us. Its the same game, different sound
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