Re: new to list

From: Loree Thomas (
Date: Tue Aug 28 2001 - 13:43:08 MDT

--- Tim Maroney <> wrote:

> What is gravity? It's a theoretical construct which
> is known to be
> incorrect, since its descriptions in quantum physics
> and relativity can't be
> reconciled. How can an incorrect theoretical
> construct be an inherent part
> of reality?

You are getting hung up on words and concepts.. and
ignoring the underlying reality those words represent.
You are confusing the map and the territory.

"Gravity" may be a theoretical concept... but you
still wouldn't jump off of a 200 foot cliff, would
you? Why not? In that situation... suddenly it's not
quite so theoretical, is it?

> Again, they're all provisional theoretical
> constructs.

Constructs that describe reality to a greater or
lesser degree. The fact that we don't really
understand what exactly gravity is in no way means
that it doesn't exist.

> Flashback to 1900:
> "The ether simply IS -- it exists irrespective of
> your desires." That's how
> your statement will look in 2100.

I doubt it seriously. There are no real world
consequences to believing or disbelieving in "the
ether". It made a handy explanation at a time when
such things couldn't be measured at all.

We CAN, however, measure the effects of gravity.

Whatever "gravity" is, it is real... and it affects
everyone and everything in very predictable, easily
measured ways. It doesn't matter what you believe...
step off that two hundred foot cliff without a
parachute and you die, "irrespective of your desires."


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