Re: outloading again

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Mon Aug 27 2001 - 21:56:07 MDT

From: "Spike Jones" <>
> I am fortunate enough to be married to one of just a few
> women would would go for such a line.

Lucky you. Lucky her. When you write:

> I can easily imagine an uploaded mind
> missing that feeling, discovering that it couldnt go there, and
> wanting to

remember that a properly uploaded (outloaded, inloaded, whatever) couple will
have all their cognitive parts loaded with them, including the enteric nervous
system (which allows them to experience that special feeling), the anterior
cingulate cortex, and the middle insula together with the putamen and caudate
nucleus (all of which allow them to light up the circuits that initiate
sensations in the ENS) so they can go there whenever they want to.
Plus, they will have the advantage of never wearing out the circuits (ever),
_and_ they can look forward to augmenting these classic legacy feelings with
boundless new variations supplied by alien intelligence of the machine kind.


--J. R.

Useless hypotheses, etc.:
 consciousness, phlogiston, philosophy, vitalism, mind, free will, qualia,
analog computing, cultural relativism, GAC, Cyc, Eliza, cryonics, individual
uniqueness, ego

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