RE: Re: Paying for Schools

From: Dickey, Michael F (
Date: Mon Aug 27 2001 - 12:41:34 MDT

"Like Olga, I also went to a public school. I seem to have turned out OK..."

I also went to a public school, the demographic was probably lower middle
class. I graduated with a bitter resentment to education. I had two
extraordinary teachers in all of high school, many mediacore ones, and one
who proclaimed to not like teaching or kids, and failed half the kids in her
class. Public high school did nothing but turn me away from education and
learning. It was not till after high school on my own that I changed and
begin persuing more intellectual things.

Regardless though, this has no impact of the overall statement that public
schools are less effecient, more expensive, and overall of poorer quality
then would be private competing schools. Your statments of 'I went to
public school and turned out ok' are just as irrelevant to the discussion as
someone saying 'My friend Beth is taller then my friend Joe' when someone
says that *On average* men are taller then women. *On average* public
schools suck. There may be some rare ones that happen to get a
statistically high amount of good teachers, caring professionals, and
rational and logical administration. They are, however, the exception.

Competing private schools have an economic incentive to provide a better
education, public schools do not. They recieve thier pay and money
regardless. Although some programs have recognized the abysmal state of the
public school system and are attempting to resolve this by basing funding on
standardized test scores and such.


Michael D

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