Re: Is IQ usefully predictive? (and not in this case)

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Sat Aug 25 2001 - 22:41:10 MDT

At 11:11 PM 8/25/01 -0500, Chuck Kuecker wrote:

>>Yes, I
>>wrote the `Douglas Adams' novels, leaving this clue hidden in the text.
>>Anyone doubting this can compare the Hitchhiker books with my other comic
>>novel STRIPED HOLES (which didn't sell nearly as well, oddly enough).

>Last I heard, HEX 42 (0x42 for 'C' types) was ASCII for the letter "B".
>"DB" would be 0x44, 0x42...

Obviously I didn't use ASCII or any other binary or higher order code. I
used my handy secret belt buckle decoder, which matches alphas to numerics
in the most brainless possible way: each notch right is another letter
along the alphabet. The only trouble I have with this system is that my
pants fall down while I'm decrypting.


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