RE: outloading again

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Sat Aug 25 2001 - 03:44:02 MDT

On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Lee Corbin wrote:

> But here, I'm not sure that I agree (or if I'm following you). You
> will *appear* to me to be a statue if "you" are just inloaded and are
> trying to walk around, say on the surface of a planet, and I am more

Yes, or even if I have merely slowed down myself by a sufficient factor.

> conventionally :-) uploaded, and you show up on my sensors. I'll say,
> "there's Eugene walking around on the surface!". Presumably you and I

Sure, but my 1 hour afternoon stroll takes something like a century in
your timeframe. And a society made from bits is a lot more dynamic than a
society made from atoms, so subjective days being out of touch will make a

> will both be experiencing at about a thousand to a million times
> faster than your body will be able to react to stimuli. But won't

This is why construction work in the outside will be done by automation,
which is incapable of becoming bored.

> everything else on the planet's surface (including mosquitos,
> cheetahs, artillery shells, Amish, and Lee Corbin's sensors) also
> appear as statues?

Your sensors can resolve the dynamics, but almost no processes in the
physical world have the dynamics, so you're looking out onto a completely
static landscape, unless you're tweaking stuff at nanoscale, where
mechanical parts can operate at about ~100 GHz.

This is why cheetahs, artillerly shells and Amish are an expiring model.
It may take your construction automation a subjective eternity, but the
(unfortunate) inhabitants of the landscape will see you as a wave of
incomprehensible machinery (big 'uns, locusts, crawling slime) rolling
across the landscape in realtime.

Computronium is a scarce substrate for information patterns, so you have
to constantly prove you're still eligible to the chunk of it your
presently occupy. Drop out of it for too long, and you're a goner.

-- Eugen* Leitl <a href="">leitl</a>
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