Re: Mind/Body dualism What's the deal?

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Fri Aug 24 2001 - 09:06:28 MDT

Waldemar Ingdahl writes:

>The political task of transhumanism at this historical point must
>be to maximize the individual freedom and development potential
>within the bounds of a society that offers well- being through
>capital- and knowledge intense production, and accelerating
>technological advances and their successful application (also from
>a moral standpoint). This is achieved by a systematic transfer of
>power from stasist structures to dynamist structures. We must
>identify, value, make conscious, and radicalize the groups that
>are the bearers of such ideas. This isn't done by sitting in front
>of a computer, this is done by taking part of public debate and
>showing oneself in the right circles and the right palaces. The
>groups that are the bearers of such change are mainly found in
>civil society, but also in the political sphere. To this scope we
>need a cadre of dedicated, ideologically conscious and competent
>transhumanist that are active within, or in conjunction to these
>groups. The right persons giving the message in the right way and
>in the right forums. In sort the missionaries and the
>entrepreneurs that transhumanism so badly lacks.

One of the most interesting and succinct paragraphs I've read in
awhile, welcome back.


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"Joe Dees" <>
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