RE: Maths & the Chinese Room Problem

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Thu Aug 23 2001 - 13:35:30 MDT

Mike Lorrey wrote,
> Richard Feynman noticed the same thing on a sabbatical to Brazil many
> years ago. The students there would memorize scientific facts and
> theories, and have terrific recall, but have absolutely no idea how they
> applied to real world problems and phenomena. Read "Surely You're
> Joking, Mr. Feynman", by Richard Feynman....
> When I was studying to

Bloom documented a six-layer taxonomy of educational objectives back in the
'50s. Memorization of knowledge was the lowest level of learning. It was
the easiest to achieve and the least advanced. Comprehension of what was
memorized was a second level above that. Application of the comprehended
knowledge was a higher level still. Analysis of what one was doing was
next. Then synthesis of new ideas. The highest/hardest skill was
evaluation of new ideas.

Sadly, it is easier to memorize someone else's work than produce your own.
Even worse, it is easier to create ideas than to determine if they are any

(Do a Google search for more information

Harvey Newstrom <> <>

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