Re: Mind/Body dualism What's the deal?

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Fri Aug 17 2001 - 21:34:48 MDT

At 02:07 PM 8/15/01 -0700, Loree wrote:

>BTW, I'm not the man I once was. ö¿ö

I assume those are the deleted bits?

[sorry, sometimes I just can't help myself]

>Still... I am me.

Yes, but *who else could you be*?

This is something like the obverse of asking `who would I have been if my
parents had been different people than they were?' Well, obviously, *you*
wouldn't have been there to ask the question. But *someone* would have
been. And whoever asks any self-reflexive question sees the answer they're
looking for in the mirror, even though what they see is reversed and coming
from the wrong direction.

Damien Broderick

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