RE: cloning protection technology

From: Reason (
Date: Fri Aug 17 2001 - 00:25:43 MDT


> Wei Dai writes:
> > I wonder if we might see anti-cloning technology that actually
> would work.
> > For example a genetically engineered self-destruct mechansism
> that causes
> > a cell's DNA to be wiped as soon as it is detached from the body. How
> > feasible would this be?
> David Zindell's Neverness series has characters very worried about
> the crime of having their DNA stolen and clones made, which they call
> "slelling". It wasn't clear to me what the big deal was though.

Cloning someone from his/her/its DNA was rude, antisocial, gauche or daring
in Neverness depending on who did it. The fear of slelling was due to the
feasibility using the sample to construct targetted virii or nanotech that
could result in something nasty and untraceable happening to the victim.
Death, having the brain re-engineered, etc, etc.


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