Re: Crank Science? [was White male discrimination (well sortof..)]

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Wed Aug 15 2001 - 08:50:00 MDT

I have only read the summaries prefacing each chapter of the book, but on that basis,

Lee Corbin wrote:
> No one that I've ever heard (or read) suggests that it is a crank work. The
> worst I've heard is that some people think that Herrnstein & Murray are
> wrong. Very little of the book has to do with race. It's almost entirely
> an analysis of what we mean by "intelligence", whether there is such a
> thing as "g", and the effects on society this last century due to the
> widespread use of IQ tests.

Especially, for me, the notion that widespread use of IQ tests has _distorted_
the old social fabric--and caused unhappiness, even suffering, for people with
many other fine qualities. IQ as the mismeasure of man, if you will.

I might have time to read it thoroughly in the next couple of months. If so,
I'll report.


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