Joe Dees wrote:
> >Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 13:29:22 -0400
> > Mike Lorrey <> Re: MEDIA/POLITICS/GUNS "The changing politics of Guns"Reply-To:
> Actually, despite his typical spleen-venting and paranoid mischaracterizations here (the stated policy of the gun control groups he mentions - check their sites - is not to ban handguns or non-assault weapons, such as rifles and shotguns, from all citiz
enry, but to keep them (as much as is possible) out of the hands of the proven criminally and/or mentally irresponsibles without infringing on the right of sane and law-abiding adults to purchase, keep and bear), Mike and I ( and these groups he derides)
are in agreement that sane and law-abiding adults should retain the right to keep and bear; the sorts of black eyes that the progun lobby suffer are exemplified by attempts to allow people who fall outside of these characterizations to do so, such as the
defence attempt to present Atty. Gen. Ashcroft's testimony in favor of the right to keep and bear, in a Texas case, in support of a man under a restraining order for spousal abuse who subsequently, in a fit of petulant rage at!
> t!
> hat order, drew and waved his handgun at his horrified wife and daughter. That guy is outta self-control, and if necessary, his beloved weapon should be removed from his cold, dead fingers by the local constabulary before he guns his terrorized family
down with it.
> I also appreciate Mike's removing this discussion to its proper venue on exi-freedom.
Well, since you seem to think it's okay to keep discussing it, I will
(see what happens when you insist on having the last word?).
Dr. Emerson, who is the plaintiff in US v. Emerson did not do what you
claim he did. His separated wife, months after he caught her and her
boyfriend in bed together and allegedly threatened them (which is what
created their divorce proceedings), saw fit to perform some sort of
sitdown strike in his office: she wouldn't leave his place of business
and was interfering with his patients. He ordered her to leave, and when
she wouldn't, he called the police and pulled a gun on her to restrain
her until the police arrived. His daughter was never around.
Furthermore, her claims about his 'threats' remained unsubstantiated and
were never examined in court, he was never afforded his due process
rights, when the judge unilaterally issued a restraining order.
Dr. Emerson has never been charged with domestic abuse of any sort, does
not have a criminal record, while his wife has a record of mental
instability. Once again, Joe, you are caught in another one of your
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