Re: CASTING, was: Re: Interesting Essay on Heinlein's 'Rational Anarchy'

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Mon Aug 13 2001 - 10:33:22 MDT

Well, I'm not up on my hispanic actors that much, who was that fellow
who starred in the Milagro Beanfield War? He was also the hispanic INS
agent in that chupacabra episode of The X-Files. I think he could pull
it off, or else whassisname from Kung Fu.

Manny is obviously the star, and any 30-something hollywood hunk could
do it, I just think that Ving Rhames doesn't have the hair. Wyoming is a
bit taller than Jolien, IMHO, perhaps Geena Davis or whassername from
Pretty Woman... Just don't cast they guy who played Max Headroom for

"Michael M. Butler" wrote:
> Lithgow is bankable, though he'd have to do the frail act, quite right. He can do hispanic in his sleep. Pick your
> poison. Ricardo Montalban? Is he still around?
> Manuel? I figured him for no older than 36 at story's start. But I don't know; it all depends on how long you think
> it'll take for the busybodies of the Free Luna government to cock things up badly enough that Manny'd feel the strong
> urge to emigrate by story's end. It's definitely not a Will Smith or Chris Rock part. Denzel Washington? Conceivably,
> playing sincere and a bit plodding, but nobody's fool.
> Get Spider to write the screenplay.
> Mike Lorrey wrote:
> >
> > I always pictured Prof LaPaz as being something of a small thin elderly
> > hispanic sort of mandarin, definitely not Lithgow. How old is Manny
> > supposed to be?
> >
> > "Michael M. Butler" wrote:
> > >
> > > I nominate Ving Rhames for Manny, John Lithgow for Prof Paz, and Angelina Jolie for Wyoh.

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